Outsourcing Web Development: A Complete Guide

Outsource Web Development

June 24, 2024

Tech giants like Google, Skype, and even US health portals leverage outsourcing web development. Why not you?

With the growing trends of outsourcing web development, the market revenue is expected to grow from $129.13B in 2024 to $171.5B in 2028 with a CAGR of 7.4% according to the stats from Acropolium.

Having an online presence is crucial and if you want to create a strong position in the market you must have a website that runs smoothly, gives a friendly UX, and most importantly understands modern standards.

Outsourcing web development can not only help you reduce costs but also get efficient delivery and avoid bottlenecks.

This blog focuses on web development outsourcing, its benefits when you should outsource web development, and how you can leverage it for your projects. Let’s get into this.

What is Outsourcing Web Development?

Outsourcing web development means hiring web developers from a nearshore or offshore location to complete web development projects. It entails hiring a full-fledged web development team to outsource your project cost-effectively. Many businesses that want to create a website or get related web development services opt for website development outsourcing to reduce the overhead costs and get other benefits like technical skills, work methodologies, and quick completion of projects.

Benefits of Web Development Outsourcing

Outsourcing web development not only leads you to improve your positioning in the market, but it can also help you save from hefty costs and other managerial tasks. Let’s take a look at the top benefits of having an outsourced web development team.

Benefits of Development Outsourcing


By hiring a web development outsourcing company for web development services, you can save a lot of time by assigning tasks to expert professionals. It saves your time that could have been spent otherwise in training the in-house team. The outsourced web development teams handle your project and save you time in miscellaneous tasks that ultimately consume an entire day.

Reduce Overhead Costs

From screening the CVs to hiring candidates full-time is a lengthy process as well as a costly one. By utilizing the outsourcing models for hiring remote developers you can choose the model that suits your requirements and budget. The best factor about this is that you do not have to bear any additional costs; just pay for the work and voila it’s done!

Reduce Software and Tools Costs

The costs for purchasing and maintaining the web development software and tools are hefty. However, by outsourcing web development you can significantly reduce costs as the hired company already has access to all tools and software required for your project from web development to QA testing, and version control systems.

For example, tools like JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA and Microsoft Visual Studio, which can cost up to $499/year and $250/month respectively, or version control systems like GitHub Enterprise at $21/user/month, are often covered by the outsourcing company. So, would you prefer to pay the extra costs or just the development costs? You already know the answer!

Access to Expertise

When hiring an outsourcing company for web development, you get access to a large and diverse pool of talent from across the globe. With no geographical limitations, you can hire remote developers that match your requirements for the project. Therefore, if you want to go for abundant options in choosing a web developer, outsourcing web development projects is the key.

Ability to Scale Resources as Needed

No one wants to over-commit and spend extra funds, right? By outsourcing web development, you get the liberty to scale up or down the resources as per the requirement. It allows you to maximize the potential of the available staff and get more done in less. You get to allocate the right number of resources, funds, materials, and time to a hired professional.

Focus on Your Core Business

Last but not least, one of the main benefits of outsource web development projects is that you can focus on important and core tasks of your business. Outsourcing activities such as website design, quality assurance testing, and software maintenance can help organizations save time and money by focusing on their expertise without having to hire more workers or devote in-house resources to monotonous chores. It avoids internal distractions, and you can focus on other core tasks of your business.

Hire Expert Web Developers and Save Additional Costs

Types of Web Development Outsourcing

The best factor about web development outsourcing is the flexibility that it offers. You do not have to spend an extra amount, rather you only pay for the work you get done. The five top types of web development outsourcing are:

Types of Web Development Outsourcing

At Devace Technologies, we offer flexible hiring models such as part-time hiring, full-time, and hiring a dedicated team for your project. You can hire developers for web application development according to your project needs.

Services in Web Development Outsourcing

Web development outsourcing covers a range of services starting from web development, app development, API integrations, payment gateways and methods integration, web UI/UX design, and custom software development services. Here are some top outsourced web app development services:

Web Development Outsourcing Services

Our expert web developers in Python, Laravel, Magento, Shopify Plus, React JS, Node JS, Knockout, Angular, and other technologies bring you the expertise required to make your project a ‘highlight’ of all.

How to Outsource Web Development?

The process to outsource web development is easy from start to end as it eliminates miscellaneous steps. However, before you miss any steps for finding the right match to find the web development outsourcing company in the USA, here is a quick look you can take at the process.

Outsourcing Web Development Steps

The first and most important step is to know your project needs, which entails the scope of your project and the expectations. It will help you in setting milestones, benchmarks, and finding the candidate with the right expertise. Moreover, you also need to determine your budget and timeline for this. A project with a short deadline may cost you more than a project with a rather flexible and viable deadline.

Start your search for the companies to whom you can outsource web app development services and get your project done. For this, many companies follow different steps. At Devace Technologies, we follow a five-step hiring process in which you can screen the CVs and choose candidates according to your choice. The interviews are conducted and then the contract gets finalized after you choose your candidate.

The communication and project management tools are set up for smooth collaboration and seamless project progress tracking.

When to Outsource Web Development?

There is no one answer to this question as it entirely depends upon business and project requirements. You can choose to go for outsourced web development services if you are a small-scale business with not enough expertise in web development.

Also, if you are a large enterprise with a ton of web development projects with limited resources, outsourcing can be the right choice. Here are some time points when partnering with a web development outsourcing company would be the best choice.

  • Quickly access specialized skills to fill gaps in your in-house team.
  • Speed up your project timelines by leveraging experienced external developers.
  • Allow your internal team to focus on core activities like strategy and customer engagement.
  • Manage costs more effectively by avoiding the expense of hiring and training full-time staff.
  • Easily adjust your development team size based on project needs without long-term commitments.

Tips for Choosing the Right Web Development Outsourcing Company

Choosing the right web development outsourcing company can be challenging – we accept it. But there must be some tried and tested tips that can help you choose the right company. Here are the best tips from industry leads who have outsourced their web development projects:

  • Assess the company’s proficiency in relevant programming languages (e.g., JavaScript, PHP) and frameworks (e.g., React, Laravel).
  • Review past projects to assess their experience in developing similar solutions and handling technical challenges.
  • Ask about their testing methodologies (e.g., unit testing, integration testing) and quality assurance processes to ensure reliability.
  • Make sure that the company can scale resources based on your project needs and adapt to evolving technical requirements seamlessly.
  • Verify their approach to cybersecurity, including data protection measures, compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, PCI-DSS), and secure coding practices.


Web development outsourcing is the wisest approach to handling projects and getting the work done easily. By choosing the model for website development outsourcing, you can achieve a lot of benefits like saving costs, getting more value with less money, and avoiding any distractions. It is better to take the right approach that can provide you with value in less time than choosing a long road that continues for a long time. Opt for web development outsourcing and let nothing get in your way of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I ensure the quality of work when outsourcing web development?

You can ensure quality by clearly defining project requirements, setting measurable goals, conducting regular progress reviews, and implementing thorough testing and feedback loops throughout the project lifecycle.

How do you outsource a web development project?

If you want to outsource a web development project start by defining clear project scopes, researching and selecting reputable vendors based on their expertise and track record, establishing strong communication channels, and signing detailed contracts outlining deliverables, timelines, and quality expectations. Also, work on regular monitoring and feedback so that your goals align with the work being delivered.

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