To build high-performing, scalable, and secure web applications it’s important to select the right framework. The Laravel framework with its elegant syntax, in-built dynamic features, and capability of a smooth development process has become a popular choice of web developers. In this blog, we will be talking about all such features and advantages that make Laravel an ideal framework for your upcoming web projects.
What is Laravel Framework?
A PHP-based, open-source web application framework, Laravel is making the web development process more efficient and easier for you. This Laravel PHP framework is packed with useful features like MVC support, templating engine (Blade), ORM, security features, a routing system, middleware, and a lot more. It’s been over one decade since its launch; it is still among one of the most popular frameworks among developers.
Why Use Laravel for Your Web Development Projects?
Here we have collected some of the best advantages of using Laravel for your web projects and how it can contribute to building scalable web applications with examples.
1. Supporting MVC Architecture
One of the benefits of opting for Laravel development is its consistent support for MVC patterns. In such MVC-based architecture, application logic is divided into three layers including Model, View, and Controller. This way, your web application is organized in a better way. This simplifies the debugging process and improves the productivity of the app.
Through the given way Model defines interactions with the database:
// App \ Models \ User. php namespace App \ Models; use Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Factories \ HasFactory; use Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model; class User extends Model { Use HasFactory ; protected $fillable = [‘name’ , ‘email’ , ‘password’ ]; // Specify fillable fields }
User requests are handled with the Controller followed by interaction with models:
// App \ Http \ Controllers \ UserController. php namespace App \ Http \ Controllers; use App \ Models\ User; use Illuminate \ Http \ Request; class UserController extends Controller { public function index ( ) { $users = User :: all ( ) ; // Fetch all users return view (‘users . Index’ , compact (‘users’ )) ; // Pass data to the view } public function store (Request $request) { User :: create ($request- > all ( )); // Save a new user return redirect ( )->route (‘users . Index’); } }
The view is utilized to display data for users:
{{-- resources / views / users / index . Blade . php --}} <! DOCTYPE html > < html > < head> < title > Users List </ title > < / head > < body > < h1> Users < /h1 > < ul> @foreach ($users as $user) < li > {{ $user- >name }} - {{ $user- >email }} < /li > @endforeach < /ul > < /body > < /html >
Do you want to ensure consistent support during the whole web development process?
2. Built-in Templating Engine-Blade
To define and maintain templates, layouts, and sections, Laravel has its own template called Blade. It also helps in maintaining readable and clean code. Moreover, it’s an easy-to-use engine and offers multiple features such as data parsing, template inheritance, and control structures. You can also hire Laravel developers to effectively utilize these Blade features.
This way you can create reusable templates with Blade:
{{ --Example Blade template --}} < !DOCTYPE html > < html lang = “en” > <head> < meta charset = “UTF-8” > < meta name = “viewport” content = “width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0” > < title > @yield (‘title’ )</title> </head> <body> @section (‘header’) <h1> Welcome to My Laravel App </h1> @show < div class = “content” > @yield (‘content’) < /div > < /body > < /html > {{-- Another blade template that extends the layout --}} @extends ( ‘layouts . app’) @section ( ‘title’ , ‘Home Page’ ) @section (‘content’) <h2> This is the home page content! </h2> @endsection
3. Default Object Relational Mapping
Another reason behind Laravel’s popularity is its built-in Eloquent object-relational mapping (ORM) system. Instead of putting raw SQL queries developers can interact with databases with the help of object-oriented code.
Eloquent Query Example:
// Fetching a user by ID $user = User :: find (1); // Updating user data $user-> name = ‘New Name’; $user-> save (); // Fetching related data (assuming a one-to-many relationship) $posts = $user-> posts: // Assuming a ‘posts’ method exists in the User Model
Database Relationship Example:
// User model – One-to-Many Relationship public function posts ( ) { return $this- >hasMany (Postc :: lass); } // Post model - Inverse of One-to-Many Relationship public function user ( ) { return $this-> belongsTo ( User :: class ); }
4. Strong Security
While designing web applications security has always been a concern and Laravel got it covered for you. Its multiple security features protect your web applications from cross-site request forgery (CSRF), SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and many other vulnerabilities as well. That’s why security can be considered among Laravel’s security best practices.
// Hashing passwords in Laravel use illuminate \ Support \ Facades \ Hash; $password = Hash :: make (‘your_password_here’); // Hash the password
By using this command, you can protect against CSRF: {{-- In Blade Template --}} < form method = “POST” action = “/ profile / update” > @csrf <input type = “text” name = “name” value = “ {{ old (‘name’) }}” > <button type = “submit” > Update < /button > </form>
5. Routing System and Middleware
Your application routes become easier to define with the routing system during Laravel framework development. Moreover, user requests can be handled, and you can map them to view and controller. Also, incoming requests are filtered out through middleware. You can insert different middleware to protect your web applications further.
Example: How to Define Routes
// In web . php (routes file) use App \ Http\ Controllers \ HomeController; use App \ Http \ Controllers \ UserController; // Basic route Route :: get ( ‘/’ , function ( ) { return view ( ‘welcome’ ); }); // Route with controller Route :: get (‘/home’ , [HomeController :: class, ‘index’ ])->name (‘home’); // Route with middleware Route :: middleware (‘auth’)- >get (‘/dashboard’, function ( ) { return view('dashboard'); });
Middleware Example:
// In Kernel . php protected $routeMiddleware = [ ‘auth’ = > \ App \ Http \ Middleware \ Authenticate :: class, ‘admin’ = > \ App \ Http \ Middleware \ CheckAdmin :: class, ]; // Applying middleware to routes Route :: Middleware (‘admin’)-> group (function ( ){ Route :: get (‘/admin/ dashboard’ , function ( ) { // Admin dashboard logic }); });
6. Scheduling Tasks
With Laravel it is possible to automate your routine tasks such as report generation, email notifications, or database cleanup. The powerful task scheduler in Laravel schedules Cron jobs and Artisan commands directly into your application minimizing the requirement of task scheduling outside the web application.
// In App \ Console \ Kernel . php protected function schedule (Schedule $schedule) { // Example of scheduling a task $schedule-> command (‘emails : send’)->daily ( ); // Send emails daily }
Are you having difficulty managing routine tasks with Laravel?
7. Seeding and Database Migrations
Due to database migrations and seedling Laravel has become an ideal choice among PHP frameworks for web development. In a version control manner, you can define and change database schema with the help of migrations. Also, seedling enables you to populate database with default data or sample.
Example of seedling and database migrations:
// Database Seeder for creating users use App \ Models\ User; use Illuminate \ Database \Seeder; class UserSeeder extends Seeder { public function run ( ) { User :: create ([ ‘name’ => ‘John Doe’, ‘email’ => ‘password’ => bcrypt (‘password123’), ]); } }
// Migration for creating a ‘users’ table use illuminate\ Database\ Migrations\ Migration; use Illuminate\ Database\ Schema \ Blueprint; use Illuminate\ Support\ Facades\ Schema; class CreateUsersTable extends Migration { public function up ( ) { Schema :: create (‘users’ , function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id (); $table->string (‘name’); $table->string (‘email’)->unique(); $table->timestamps (); }); } public function down () { Schema :: dropifExists (‘users’); } } // Running migrations and seeding php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed – class = UserSeeder
Wrapping Up
The simplicity, rich set of features, and developer-friendly ecosystem of Laravel make it stand out in the tech domain, especially in 2025. Moreover, due to its strong security features, scalability, and built-in tools like Eloquent ORM and Blade engine, it’s an excellent choice for web developers. So, Laravel can be a perfect fit if you want a framework that simplifies development and delivers strong features.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Laravel version should I opt for in 2025?
In 2025, you should select the latest and most stable version of the Laravel framework. It gives you access to the most suitable features, performance improvements, and the best security patches as per Laravel validation rules and regulations. Moreover, a predictable release cycle is followed by Laravel with every new version packed with better features and enhanced performance.
How does Laravel perform as compared to other PHP Frameworks?
In comparison with other PHP frameworks, Laravel provides excellent functionality. It improves response time and minimizes overhead due to features like lazy loading, query optimization, and caching. Also, developers can only load necessary services with Laravel’s modular approach, reducing your web application’s overall footprint.
Is Laravel a front-end or back-end web development framework?
Primarily, Laravel is a framework for back-end development and is mostly used to design server-side applications. It handles authentication, database interactions, routes, and many other back-end development tasks. However, it is also possible to integrate Laravel with other front-end technologies such as Angular, React, or Vue.js for full stack development.
Why is Laravel more popular than Symfony?
Although Laravel and Symfony are popular PHP frameworks, Laravel is relatively famous. Its developer-friendly ecosystem, extensive documentation, and ease of use are behind its popularity. Moreover, it’s a preferred choice for web developers due to scalable and built-in features like Blade or Eloquent ORM. On the other hand, Symfony is a complex technology and suitable for developers who are looking for more customization and control.